Who is this for?

This masterclass is for you if one or all of the following apply to you

  • You are interested in having a natural and empowering birth but don’t know what steps to take to make it happen

  • You simply want more information about what birth education and Hypnobirthing options there are and what will suit you best!

  • You have had a previous traumatic birth or maybe one that felt completely out of control and you want this birth to be different. You want to walk away from birth feeling like a Queen!

About this Masterclass

Hi! I’m Hayley. I created this masterclass for women that wanted to find out more about the 3 clear points they needed to cover to feel confident about birth. Most women want to feel in control, calm and confident about birth but it can feel so overwhelming, as can what course is the right one for you to take. I share my 3 key pillars that led me to birthing in power and that you can also use as a template to feel more informed and even excited about giving birth.